Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy 2013~

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Welcoming in 2013, I think about the past year just as everyone else does. Living in China sure has been interesting. But now I start to wonder what is going to happen in 2013. For instance, how will I ever figure out the complicated tax form I have to fill out since I live abroad. What else shall I buy at the silk market. As much as I love hearing about how people's years in review are (sacrasm) I won't bore this blog with details of how my life has had ups and downs...

Lets get down to the real juicy details about living in China. After all this blog is called adventures in China. So the exciting thing about living in China is that if you are pretty girl and nothing is apparently wrong with you then you get attention. Probably too much attention. In the past month I have been on two dates and been asked by a guy to basically hook up with him. Needless to say I am still single. The first date the guy was insecure and clearly was running from his past... not something I am looking for. And the second guy I was just not attracted to him. The last guy is a creep as my friends all say. The dating scene in China is lackluster. Many of the guys in China are looking for Chinese girls or they don't want anything serious, they just want a fling. (see guy above who wanted to hook up). So if anyone out there thinks that moving to China to find your soul mate is the answer I would think again. 

Beijing is cold in the winter. Something they don't really advertise when selling  Beijing to you. I thought it was cold in Pittsburgh, boy was I wrong. I got excited this morning when it was 20 degrees outside. The low is 0, seriously. I never leave the house without two pairs of pants on and two shirts. To do so would be torture.  I have two scarves and a face mask as well, just in case its super cold. I save those for the days when it is really cold. 

More juicy details about living in China. Its very easy to get addicted to shopping here. I find myself shopping every other week here. But seriously today I got two purses, a pair of glasses, a headband, a coral necklace, pearls and free beer glasses for 136 usd. Seriously that is so cheap. No wonder I can get addicting to shopping. 

As always China is an adventure. Every day I think to myself what will today bring. Will it be exciting new purchases at the silk market, or exploring the culture of China or simply wondering what the drama of the day will be at work. Ultimately life is an adventure and living in China makes it even more exciting!

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