Monday, February 4, 2013


One of the perks of living in China is the Chinese New Year holiday. I get off of work from today (Feb 5) until Feb 17. So during this time I have decided to explore China a bit more.  I have planned a trip to Hong Kong and then going to Shanghai for the last few days to spend some time with my dad. Now Hong Kong isn't part of mainland China but still, I am going to Hong Kong!!!!!!!!!!

I am excited to get out of Beijing for a week. The pollution has left me a virtual prison in my own apartment. I literally go outside to go to the subway and that's about it. I miss being outside! Hopefully the pollution in Hong Kong is not bad.

Preparing to go I really haven't done much lately in Beijing. I went and had Mongolian food last week. It was a bunch of lamb. I have never ate so much lamb before in my life. They love lamb in China. I missed the super bowl but go to watch rerun of half the super bowl at the bar last night. And see the half time show. No commericals.

It is interesting watching all the people leave to go home. Most people who live in Beijing aren't from Beijing. They are from other areas of China. All the local girls I work with are going home. Many of them have a very long train ride home. It takes about 20 hours for some of them to get home. Some of the areas they live in don't have airports so the only way to get there is by train. And the cheapest train is the slow train. On the subway you see people who have these giant bags made out of plastic filled with all their worldly possessions. I have seen lots of dirty, sickly looking children getting ready to go home. I have been doing a lot of people watching and I can tell which people are the ones who you never see out and about. They work the jobs that no one wants to work or the people who live at their job site. It truly is eye opening the wide difference from the people.

I will join the travelers tomorrow. But instead of going home I am going to Hong Kong for fun! For me Chinese New Year is simply nothing more than a break from work! And I hopefully will get to see a lion dance in the park!

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